- Pizza Party -
My sister is visiting from NYC this week and I've been dying to host one of my pizza parties for her. When I lived in New York City grabbing a slice was a weekly ritual. Never did it really occur to me I could achieve a brick oven style pizza at home. It's seems a lot harder then it looks, all it takes is some prep work and some fresh seasonal ingredients and you can too make a KILLER pizza at home. I've always wanted my own brick oven but I'm pumped you can have such great results without all of the professional tools!
Most important tool to have is a pizza stone you can find yours here at Amazon. The key is to clean it with a brush and water, you don't want the stone to soak up soap or detergents. Expect it to get charred and black like mine, this really adds flavor to you pizzas over time. I love a well seasoned stone!
Next up is tons of fresh produce! The fresher the ingredients the better, I like to keep my pizza's simple with herbs and whatever is seasonally available at the time.
One of my favorite places to get my cheese is Wally's here in West Los Angeles, the people who work there are super helpful and knowledgeable. I love the Comte and Fontina for my pizzas as well as their fresh burrata.
Check out this glorious array of cheeses!
Next door to the cheese box is a great selection of wine for your pizza party, I highly suggest popping in here.
Another important component to a great pizza is the sauce! I keep mine really simple with Whole San Marzano tomatoes pureed and I simmer with 1 whole onion, a couple cloves of garlic, a quarter cup of olive oil, bay leaves and fresh oregano. Season with a little salt and pepper.
Alongside all of the toppings I always have an array of fresh herbs to sprinkle on top. This really adds robust flavor to you pizzas.
These are the baked sliced potatoes for my potato pizzas which is a fave dish in my home. I will be sure to post the recipe for this soon!
Here it is, all my prepared toppings. Olives, sauteed kale, cheese, sautéed mushrooms, herbs, scallions, sausage and my favorite white sauce.
I'm attempting to make my own dough but in the meantime I highly suggest Whole Foods fresh pizza dough. Leave it out to proof an hour before you roll them out while the oven is warming up to temperature. I cook my pizzas at 500-515 and let my stone heat up for a good hour before cooking.
The famous potato pizza ready to be devoured!
Pizza with tomato sauce, prosciutto and arugula
Sausage, cheese, scallions and rosemary
One of my favorites...tomato sauce, guanciale, burrata, Fresno & jalapeño peppers and rosemary. I got this recipe from the Gjelina cookbook and I make it every time I have a pizza night.
Simple Margerita